The current pulpit supply schedule is subject to change.
Exhorter / Minister / Commissioned Pastor
The Church Order of the Christian Reformed Church allows classes to grant the right to exhort to persons who are gifted, well-informed, consecrated, and able to edify the churches. Classis Huron also grants Commissioned Pastors the right to exhort within Classis. The Christian Reformed grants this right to seminary students and candidates for ministry throughout the denomination.
If you are interested in receiving a license to exhort within Classis Huron, talk to your pastor and council.
The process begins with a letter from your local church council recommending that you be considered for a license to exhort. You will be asked to provide a sermon manuscript, and your knowledge, doctrine, character, and ability to exhort will be examined at a Classis meeting.
If you have a license to exhort in Classis Huron and are due for renewal of your license, please contact the Stated Clerk of Classis ( to begin the process.
Listed below is the pulpit supply schedule as well as a list of those licensed to exhort in Classis Huron.